The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

I made a new website and it's called BearFood

I made a new website and it's called BearFood

I made a new website and it's called BearFood

BearFood Screenshot

What is it?

For people who want to read awesome things, BearFood is daily list of awesome and/or neato links to keep you entertained.
For people who find or create awesome things, BearFood is a way to get your link in front of millions of people.

Like, this is one-man operation and I designed and coded it myself. I'm telling you this in case you find it horribly buggy. Also it's brand new so there's only two days worth of links in there right now.

How does it work?

  • People submit links and they go into the queue
  • Once in the queue, people can vote on them and comment.
  • Depending on the number of votes, comments, and general activity on the links, it can get promoted to the frontpage.
  • From those links, once a week the best of the best are hand-picked and featured on The Oatmeal, a comedy which is read by millions of people.
  • Sound familiar? That's because it is. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here or be a "game changer" in social media. It's just a collection of links curated by me and my readers.
  • You can read a more in-depth explanation of how BearFood works on the about page.
Do I need to sign up for an account to participate?

No, the entire site runs on Disqus so you can submit links, comment, and vote without ever having to sign up for anything.
(I need more account logins like I need a butthole on my forehead and I figured other people feel that way too.)

Why did you make this?
I love working on The Oatmeal, but I hate the fact that despite being read by nearly 100 million people in three years, this site has no real community. I thought making a separate site which could grow, bloom, or fail miserably on its own was a more interesting idea. I'm also a huge fan of contradicting myself.

Furthermore, sometimes I find awesome things on the internet that I want to share but I can't because I don't like saturating my feed with other people's work. BearFood is a bit of an outlet for me in that regard

Something is broken!
If you find a bug post it in this thread over here.


submit a link read an awesome thing
Learn more about BearFood

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