I wrote a book about running.
You may have noticed I haven't published any new, big comics since November. This is because I took four months off from updating my website to write a Blerch book, based on the character from this comic about running.
The book took a long time to make, and it wound up growing into 140+ pages of comics about running, eating, and Blerching, including a massive chapter titled "A lazy cartoonist's guide to becoming a runner," which starts out with practical advice on how to get into running, but slowly morphs into a kind of deranged, illustrated diary of a former fat kid.
It's available for pre-order now:
Barnes and Noble.

Beat The Blerch Marathon
The book ships on September 30th of this year, and to kick off its arrival I'm organizing a 10k/half/full marathon called Beat The Blerch. I'll be running the race, in addition to signing copies of the book and handing out slices of cheap, sugary birthday cake at the aid stations. Participants will get a "I Beat The Blerch in 2014" tech shirt, medal, and a goody bag full of Blerchy surprises. The race is on September 21st, 2014, and it runs along the Snoqualmie Valley River trail in Carnation, Washington -- a quaint little town just outside of Seattle.
If you choose to participate, there may be be Blerches in fat-suits chasing you.
There may be excessive amounts of Nutella and magical grape beverages.
There may be massive crowds of sweaty, elated people hoping to figuratively (and literally) Beat The Blerch.
There won't be any hornets.