We're now selling large magnets which profess our love for the condiment to end all condiments: Sriracha Rooster Sauce.
They will stick to refrigerators, toasters, and even automobiles. They will not stick to cats, hamsters, or newborn babies unless they are cyborgs.
Dimensions are 5.59" x 4.33" (142mm x 110mm) -- roughly the size of a greeting card or bear claw.
Also, all of our shirts are back in stock.
All the stuff we were sold out of from our anniversary sale is now back in stock:

And we've still got some Bobcat misprints
The printer who produces our t-shirts made a mistake and the Bob on this Bobcat shirt turned out yellow instead of beige. Rather than just having a giant bonfire of misprinted shirts in the backyard, we're selling these for $9.00:

Buttons are still sold out
We had an issue with our supplier and the Bobcat and Sriracha buttons are still sold out, but we should have them next week.